Flashing Radius Unit

Window & Door Radius Unit Head Flashing

  1. In order to install the flashing behind the house wrap, cut the wrap at the top corners of the unit in an upward and angled fashion away from the window. The cuts may be approx. 6 inches long. Lift the wrap up and secure it out of the way while you install the flashing.

  2. Since the head flashing has tapered drain channels along its length there is no need for the end dams if the application is level. The channels don't allow water to migrate right or left. In this case, if desired, the end dams may be simply cut off with a utility knife or saw.

    Note - that if your unit is straight and angled down you will need a kick-out at the bottom edge the same as with the radius application.

  3. Secure the flashing over the entire length of the unit using nails, staples, or screws.

  4. If the unit is wider than 6 ft. you can simply join multiple units together by cutting the ends square and placing tape on the bottom, up the back and over the front of the flange to seal the joint. we recommend a foil backed tape.

  5. Now place the house wrap down over the head flashing and seal the cuts with tape.

  6. Repeat this process for all of your units.

Weather Out Flashing
PO Box 1096
Matthews , NC  28106

p. 1 (866) 568-0050
p. (704) 771-9330
f. (704) 845-2224

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