
Kickouts - Code Requirements

2012 IRC, Roof Assemblies

R903.2 Flashing. Flashing shall be installed in a manner that prevents moisture entering the wall and roof through joints in copings, through moisture permeable materials, and at intersections with parapet walls and other penetrations through the roof plane.

R903.2.1 Locations. Flashings shall be installed at wall and roof intersections, wherever there is a change in roof slope or direction and around roof openings. A flashing shall be installed to divert the water away from where the eave of a sloped roof intersects a vertical sidewall. Where flashing is of metal, the metal shall be corrosion resistant with a thickness of not less than 0.019 inch (0.5 mm) (No. 26 galvanized sheet).

Noted in:

    *Significant Changes to the International Residential Code 2012 Edition - Pages 148 - 149

    *Enerty Star Qualified Homes Version 3 (Rev.06)

    *Energy Star Water Management System Builder Checklist

     Item 3.1 Step and kick-out flashing at all roof-wall intersections, extending greater than or equal to 4 inches on the wall surface above the   roof deck and integrating with drainage plane above.

   *James Hardie Plank Lap Siding installation requirements figures 8 and 9 require Kickout Flashing (publication HS0914-P2/4 1/10) 

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